
What our clients say about us and our work ...


Jeg bliver simpelthen nødt til at skrive en anbefaling af @familymomentsdk 🧡Onsdag formiddag brugte hun mere end 2 timer på at lave make-up og hår på primært mig, men også på Mille, hvor hun også guidet os i tøj valget. Hun var så professionel og så fantastisk til børnene. Vi tog billeder i ca. 2 timer, og hun havde bare en fantastisk tålmodighed og guidede både til stillinger og fandt de bedste steder lige i området af vores bopæl. Det var alt i alt en rigtig dejlig formiddag både for mig, men bestemt også for begge børn. I dag fredag får vi så resultater og nogle helt fantastiske billeder, hvor hun simpelthen bare har ramt perfekt med både farver og moments fra den dag. Så hvis nogle overvejer en familiefotograf i området i Smørum, så kan @familymomentsdk varmt anbefales herfra! 🥰🥰🥰 

Celina R.

Daria is a great photographer, very professional and in the same time very kind and friendly. For our photoshoot we were hosted in her new-fresh photo-studio where she has a wide choice of maternity dresses, all very beautiful and peculiar. She has also a little corner for last make-up touches if need. Beside the photoshoot, she is really present also with all the process of photo-selections and post-production. We highly recommend her to anyone interested in creating beautiful timeless memories!


Lisa G.

Incredibly happy for the results! I love the photos so much and the photoshoot process was so relaxing and professional! ✨ I will definitely book Daria for other photo sessions in the future 🌸

Besa Emini

Hi Daria
We are so in love with all the pictures you took! Honestly they are so much more then what we could have ever imagined!
You are so good at what you do! We will definitely book for another shoot in summer that we can do outside and when she is a bit bigger 🤍
Thank you so much again! 

Megan T.S.

I was so lucky to get pregnancy photos taken at Family Moments!

First I got the most beautiful makeup - it felt like pure wellness. The photo session itself was very safe, and there was room for both my own ideas and setups she had come up with. It has resulted in the most beautiful pictures, both of me and my stomach alone - and also with my daughter! Am happy with the pictures and look forward to getting them up to hang on the pictures. They make me feel like a movie star.🙂

Pernille R.

Af hjertet tusinde tusinde tak Daria for de alt for smukke billeder ❤️

Hvor er de blevet smukke 🥰 Jeg er så glad og tilfreds over, at jeg valgte dig til at forevige mine smukke graviditetsminder af maven 🙏🏽

Jeg tagger dit navn når jeg ligger nogle af dem op på min Instagram ❤️

Jeg vil klart anbefale dig!



Sophia S. A.

🧡 Stor anbefaling fra os til @familymomentsdk
Hun er super kær, professionel og ikke mindst rigtig dygtig.

Så, mangler i en fotograf så tag et kig 🤍

Melek K.

Super cute!

Ohh thank you! 

I will look through them now - they look super cute, thank you so much!

I’m very happy with the pictures !

You’re very talented!

Frederikke Lykke Lindh 

Thank you so much Daria, for  your help and
 preparation before and during the foto shoot. 
I felt secure and comfortable which was important for me 
since this was my first time doing a foto shoot.
 I am very surprised and happy about the turn out!
 Couldn’t have asked for better pictures. 

Anika L.

I was very worried before the photoshoot, how I would look, what to do with makeup and hairstyle. But you took everything under control and I could just enjoy the process))) Thank you for this opportunity! I saw what photos turn out on the screen of your camera, but when I saw them after retouching, I honestly say .... I started to cry ??, it was so beautiful !!!!!    I am so proud and love these photos !!!!

Mary Nielsen

First and foremost, thank you for the truly beautiful pictures 😍❤️🙏🏻

It’s been SOOOO hard to only choose 7 pics, since you have taken so many amazing pics. And I didn’t think that would be an issue for me, since I just wanted a couple of pics 🙈 Hahaha.
Thank you a lot for the retouched pictures.

They are amazing!!! 😍🙌🏼

And they turned out a lot better that I would have imagined! 

Sindy Piantini

They are so beautiful.

You are really good at taking pictures and editing so that they become absolutely perfect. Thank you so much for this experience. I think I will use you when the little one is born and a picture of the baby and big sister must be taken.

Thank you so much! 🙏🏻💞🌸🌺


It took me a while to find a photographer who will capture the most special period of any woman's life-pregnancy. And was so lucky that occassionally came across Daria's works in social network. She was very organized and super responsive and flexible to all my desires and requests. I felt immediately comfortable with Daria and her amazing assistant and was able to relax and have fun within the whole proccess. Already at that moment I thought that she is doing the great job but once I've received the photos (within really short period) it became crystal clear that she is a true artist with attention to details. Each photo is a masterpeace to enjoy for years to come. I would never hesitate to recommend her to anyone who wants a true professional to create a customized photography experience.

Elizabeth O.

Som professionel makeup artist har jeg arbejdet en del på photo shoots, men da jeg altid er på den anden side af linsen, var det en lidt intimiderende tanke at skulle foran, når forventningerne er store. ☺️
Jeg følte mig så godt tilpas i Darias professionelle og behagelige selskab og nød godt af vores samarbejde, som fik mig til at føle tryg ved det resultat vi gik efter. 🙏🏼
Jeg er simpelthen så lykkelig over at have foreviget min graviditet med disse smukke billeder. 🥰💖 Hun arbejder så målrettet og grundigt. Men fik alligevel mine billeder lynhurtigt. Resultatet er over al forventning. 🫶🏼 Jeg glæder mig til de næste billeder af baby boy. 😍
Varm anbefaling herfra!

Tanja Cassandra Balsgaard

Thank you so much for wonderful photo session! 😍
It was so much fun, and you did an amazing job making me feel comfortable infront of the camera 😊

The pictures came out beautiful and I love them!
Thank you for capturing this special time 

Laura V.

Hi Daria !

you are the best!!

Thank you. Yes we will definitely hold another shoot. You are so talented!!

All my friends are blown away thank you. ❤️

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything


Daria, you are the best photographer! A photo of just incredible beauty, what colors are pleasant and how quickly you found the perfect light, the shooting location in our tiny apartment! It is very pleasant to communicate with you and you, in our slightly stressful situation, found a quick approach and how great everything turned out! And my make-up wow😍


Det var en rigtig god og behagelig oplevelse med en dygtig fotograf! Jeg har nydt hvert øjeblik af min fotografering i smukke omgivelser, som var i øvrigt også anbefalet af fotografen Daria. Jeg var meget i tvivl om jeg vil have en gravid fotografering- men Daria har formået at skabe en afslappet stemning og jeg er meget taknemlig og tilfreds med resultatet. Jeg kan bestemt varm anbefalde til alle,der vil gerne have gode minde af smukke øjeblikke i deres liv!💞🌸🌺


Jeg har haft fornøjelsen af at få taget graviditetsbilleder hos Family Moments. Jeg er så positiv overrasket over, hvor flotte mine billeder er blevet! ALLE billeder jeg har fået leveret er så gode. Daria er yderst professionel, venlig og kreativ. Hun vejleder en under hele shootet, så man får skudt billeder fra de bedste vinkler. Udover det, er hun meget modtagelig overfor ens egne ideer, hvilket er super fedt. Det er bestemt ikke sidste gang jeg får taget billeder af hende. Jeg vender fluks tilbage, når vores datter bliver født og igen når hun er lidt større. Glæder mig allerede!

 Iqra Hamayun Cakici

Vi fik taget graviditetsbilleder hos @familymomentsdk og da ingen af os havde prøvet et fotoshoot før, var vi meget spændte og nervøse! Daria gjorde det så behageligt for os og var super dygtig og professionel! Hun brugte også 2 timer på mit hår og makeup og havde tydelig erfaring med hvad der ville fungere til både min hud, men også i forhold til kameraet! Vi er SÅ tilfredse med oplevelsen og næste gang der skal tages professionelle billeder, bliver det også hos Daria.
